Tuesday, June 14, 2005

A Post a Month...?

I know, I know. I haven't blogged in a while, I feel bad about it, but Jackie is the only one who reads this thing anyway. i am going to try to update on a more regular basis from now on. I will spare you the recounting of my life since my last post and skip foreward to today. Suffice to say that I'v been very busy.

Today started out normal. I got up and got ready for school. I got up late as usual. I went to go to school and started not to feel good, but I had to bring my brother and Wes to school, so I couldn't go right home. When I'm on my way to Wes' house Laura calls me on my cell phone and tells me that she missed her bus again and needs a ride. I told her I'd be there soon. What a good friend, right? So I pick up Wes and Laura and go to school. I decide that I feel bad enough to not go to school. I called my dad and he said it would be okay if I went home. I really didn't want to miss today because finals are this week, and I'm sure that I missed some important information. O well, I will get it tomorrow.

It was nice to come home early for a change, espetially considering that I didn't have to work today. It was a real day off, for once. So I canme home and watched some T.V. and did some PHP programing, I am almost done with one of the project's I am working on, so I am pretty excited about that. I am having trouble getting the UPDATE query to work and it is making me really angry. I swill have to finish work on that Visual Basic program for work too, I haven't really touched it in months.

Later on i decided to go to Staples. I had been the day befor to pick up some Sharpie(r) Mini's(tm), but when I got home I realized that some idiot had partially removed that cap on the black one I bought, thus completely frying it out. i was kinda mad. That's why I went back today, to get a new one. I exchanged the "broken" one for a fully functional one, and I also bought a new one for extra insurance. Go me! On the way home from Staples it poured like I have never seen before. I could barely see five feet in front of me, I was forced to go like 20 miles per hour.

So, I get home and relax for a couple hours, the Sarah calls because I forgot, again, to pick her up. I had to bring her to the High School because she is going to be playing in the band. I can't understand how I keep forgeting her, but I do. Today, the most likely reason is that since i didnt go to school, i wasn't thinking about picking anyone up from school. I go and get her, and bring her to the High School with plenty of time to spare. I hung around for a while because a lot of my friends are in the band, so I like to hang out with them. Alisha was mad at Steve which made her quite unpleasant to be around, so I left. I can understand she was mad at Steve and everything, but that's no reason for her to not even give me a hug, I was kind of mad.

Later I went to Big Y to visit Amanda because it was her first day working in the Service Desk. I am so excited for her, and so is she. I am training her tomorrow, and I can't wait. She seems to be doing quite well, She is, of course nervous, bu who wouldn't be. I was leaving the store and getting ready to go home and I saw Dez and so I waved. i was going to get in my car and she beeped at me, so I got out to see what she wanted. Which was just to say, "Hi", but that was okay, i didn't mind. Laura was also there and I was very glad to see her, it has been such a long time since we've hing out.

All in all I had a pretty interesting day. Hope you enjoyed hearing about it.

P.S. - I miss Jen and Steph, I hope they come back soon.