Monday, May 17, 2004

Looks Like Somebody's Got A Case Of The Mondays

Today was just one of those days. Not much new.

The day started off slow. In History we didn't really do anything. Surprised? We worked on our debate projects. Well acctually Wes worked on ours and i worked on the Blogs, Oops.

Afer that i had Adv. Visual basic, Whick Sucked. I had test that i forgot about. And there was a very complicated program that we had to write using Nor...Next loops and variable arrays. Needless to say i didn't do so well on that. I got like a 71 or something. I'm going to take it over though, so it's ok.

Theatre Arts II. came next. That class was remarkably fun. We practiced for and performed Kevin's play, and it went very well. I was impressed. Kevin is an amazing actor/direcor. I think that i did pretty good in that one. We'll see about that when i get my grade though.

After we finished Kevin's play, Andrea started to work on her's. Thank God i'm not in it, but i do have to do the lighting for it since i am the resident techie. Sometime she just dosent know how things are supposed to be done (and thats putting it nicely). She wanted me to go through the script while they performed it and write in lighing cues. That's fine, usualy. What i didn't realize was that all she wanted was basic lighting, and some blackouts. But she expects me to waste my time standing there watching the play, while she blocks it. And write down lighting cues that i could write without even having seen the play at all.

My last class today was English. That class was pretty good acctuall. We really don't get a lot done in that class though. We started the class by reading from our books. The teacher got really mad though because wes was playing cards. She thought that she had told them to put the cards away, even though she didn't. So, she proceded to yell at them and tell them what insabordination is. They basicaly just ignored her and put the cards away. Next we worked on some MCAS prep stuff. kida late though considering that the MCAS is tomorrow and for the rest of the week. THAT'S GOING TO SUCK. 3 hours a day for five days BLAH.

My favorate part of Mondays is when i get home because i know that, unless i decide to do something, i have nothing that i have to do. Monday's are my day off from work you see.

I watched some TV and played on the computer. Then i talked to Angie(my favorite part of the day) she wanted me to come over next weekend, but of corse, i have to work a bad schedule, and it just wouldn't work out. I might be able to on Sunday, but it's not looking good. While i was talking to Angie i got a nasty sliver in my finger. it hurt like a B**ch. I tried stabbing my finger with a pin for a while to try to get it out. That didn't work as well as it usually does. I let angie go and went down stairs to get the multi-toll and it was out in a second. It was good. Then i had something to eat(mmm rice crispies) Acctually i got in a fight with my Rice Crispies today. i distinctly heard "Snap", "Crackle", "Fuck Him" I wasn't shure who said it because i wasn't looking at the bowl at the time. LOL im just kidding, thats George Carlin. O Well Good Night.