Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Sleeping With The Television On

Today was good, a lot less boreing

Today i woke up at 11:09, why do i rembmer that? Because i want to that;s why. When i woke up i came on the computer and talked to some people and working on my blog again. If anyone has anything to say about the new background e-mail me.

Around 12:00 my mom got here. She is staying here tonight. She is on her way to a comping trip, and it is a shorter drive from here than home. When my mom got here we unpacked the car and went to a resteraunt for lunch, It was very good. I has a grilled cheese and she had a fried fish sandwich. After that we went to the bank and cashed some rolls of coins. We also went to the Post office and got a P.O. box. Then we went to the video store and rented "50 First Dates" It was very good, and so hillarious. I'm not going to do a full review on it though because i assume most of you have already seen it.

i droped my mother off at home after we ran our errands and headed out for the theatre. I needed to talk to Mat about what was going on with my Spot Op. job. It took me a while to find him though. I wasled across the stage, but i didnt see him. So, i went to the show to ask where he was. Jen said that he might be over at the coffee shop or at the office. So i wald over in the cold rain and look around for him. I can;t find him so i decided to go back to the theatre and wait for him. When i got back he was there. We talked for a while about the job and about the plot for this year. He was working on the channel layout, but he was having a lot of trouble because we don't have enough dimmers.

After i finished talking to Mat i went up to the stage to see what was going on. It turns out the new sound designer was there, and he was having some problems finding everything. I helped him out. He seems like a kewl guy, he know just about every programing alnguage including c and c++. I also me the scenic painter and master electirican, they're both very nice girls. I dont know either of there names yet though. While i was there the chilldrens theatre stage manager also stopped by, she seemed ver nice, but she seemed a little lost.

Once i was done at the theatre i came home and my mom decided we should get pizza. So my mom called the pizza place to order, and i went and got it. It was good, much better than the pizza i got the other day, i think i might have taken one of the garlic pieces by accident last time. Then me and my mom talked for a long while. It was good we haven't really talked like that in a long time. We then decided that it would be a good idea if we went upstairs and went our seperate ways, so we did.
