Wednesday, June 23, 2004

This Disaster

Today was Crazy.

Ugh, my mom woke me up so early this morning. Around 7:30. She was leaving for her camping trip and she wanted to say googbye to me. Also, she wanted me to show her how to use my climbing equipment so that they can hoist there food and trash up into a tree at night, so bears won't come to their camp site. After she left i tried to get to sleep, it took a while, but eventually i got back to sleep. I woke up again around 11 or 12 and came online and had breakfeast.

Around 1 or so i decided that i should go to the theatre. I got there and i got out of the truck and i hear this "ssssssssssss" sound comeing from the truck. I looked around and found out that it was coming from the left-front tire. There were two nails in it. I must have run over then on the way through the theatre parking lot which is mostly dirt and random debree. The leak was pretty bad, bad enough that i could hear it as i said. i knew that there was some "fix-a-flat" in the glove compartment. i read the directions on the can, and used it. It didn't seem to stop the air form coming out so i decided to drive to a service station and see what they can do.

The first place i came along was a gas station, so i decided to stop and ask abou there prices. The guy told me that to patch it, it would cost about $12-$15. The guy looked at the tire. It turns out that the puncture was right where the sidewall meets the top of the tire, so there is no way they can patch it. I asked him if he had a tire that would fit so i could buy a new one. He didn't, but he said there was a place down the street that might.

I got to the other place, they didn't have a tire that would fit either. i called my dad to ask him what he thought i should do, he said i should just have the garage put the spare on. I thought that sounded like a good idea, it would take me a lot longer to do it myself. OS the guy does it, it takes him about 2 min. It only cost me $8, so i think it was worth it. The people at the repair show were really nice to me, i didn't have to wait or anything.

After i got the tire fixed i went back to the papermill, this time (and from now on) i parked in the paved parking lot. I went into the theatre to look for Mat, he wasnt there. I decided to call adam, i needed to ask him to ask the band director if we could use one of their Source4's at the theatre for the summer. We are trying to rent as little as possible this summer. We rented 2 scrollers for the PAR 64's and a moving mirror attachment for our non-existant Source4.

Wen i was done talking to Adam i went to talk to the new sound guy. He is way too organized it scares me. He dosen'd really know what he's doing when it comes to the actual operation of the equipment. I had to show him how to use many of the features on what i thought was a pretty strait-forward sound board. Watever. lol.

When i was done at the theatre i went to the grocery store. i got some good stuff, it didn't cost that much either. Then i went home and watched some TV and wrote in my blog.
