Today...SUCKED, basically
We started with MCAS again, only this time, as i said it would be, was much harder that the first Math section. It sucked royally. The only good part was that i finished early and was ble to go to second block. Which i like because it is Visual Basic
Of corsed i was having a crappy day already, and then visual basic sucjed too. I usualy like that class and Mr. Jyringi, but he can be a real dickhead. Just because i don't have my ch. 6 exercises done yet, dosen't mean he has the right to make a big scene about it in front of the class. it's supposed to be a class where you work at your on pace. I know what i need to get done, and i will get it done. My computere at home isn't really working right now, and because he's been moving so fast in class i havent had time to get it done. SO FUCK YOU.
Theatre Arts was good..again, can u believe it, three days in a row. All i did was sit there and play on the computer though. The teacher kept bugging me about not doing my work. he's like c'mon kyle these are due tues. And i really dont care becasue thats plenty of time to finish two drawings and write a discription.
English sucked as usual. She gave us this really hard worksheet to do on "Tameing of the Shrew" which put me in an even worse mood. because, even though i had read the chapter, i couln't answer any of the questions, which makes me really fristrated. i just can't understand this stuff for some reason, It's just not me. Y and incase schools havent noticed, Sharspear wrote plays, not books. great plays, works of art, But not crappy uncomprendable books.
(REWIND) The other had some kids rode there tractors to school, kind fo as a senior prank. The administration got really mad and called the cops. Unfortunately for them, there was nothign they could do about it because they were street legal. TAKE THAT YOU UPTITE BASTARDS. It was very funny
(Back to Now) So today in english we found a picture of three little kids riding "Little tikes"(R) tractors. So, what were going to do is take the pictures of the Principal, Vice Principal, and Super Intedants picture, and put them on the odies of the kids rideing the trators. Then some people. I don't know who, are going to go around and put the picture as the desktops on all the computers in the school. it will be great. They will probablyy be super pissed, which is exactly why i will have no part in the distrobution of these pictures.
At the end of 4th block i got called down to the office. The stupid janitors had found my bag in the auditorium(which is where i keep it) nad threatened to throw it out if i didn't take it. So, i did, and put it in my teachers closed (with her premission lol) take that you stupid janitors.
i didn't have to work until 4 today, which was a nice change. i got to come home and whatch some tv which was nice. Then i went to work.
Work was good until the bitch got there. ginny, she is one of my supervisors. Thank god she is leaving. She was such a bitch today though. You couldint even look at her withough her biteing your head off. I mean i can understand it's her last day and she mas be a little edgy because she wants go get out of there. But that is no exuse for her behavior.
One of the baggers went to check the tag for a sale ( a new bagger) and she came back and said the price in the computer was wrong. So Ginny had to come that whole ten feet over to the register to type in some numbers, o the horror. Then she went to check if the tag was right. Which it wasnt. It was post dated, the dairy people had forgotten to take it down. But the bagger didn't know this. So ginny bitched at her about it... which was totaly uncalled for.
Then when i went to go ask if i could go on my break. She gave me this evil glare. and ignored me for a minute. i was thinking to myself 'go ahead and ignore me, i'm standing here until i get an answer.' So, then she finaly answered me nad said i could go, but after she said i could go she said 'if your late i'll kill you' I wanted to furn around and be like "You know what FUCK YOU, have i ever been late coming back from a break? Ever been late coming in? No never, not once. So Shut the fuck up."
Ya so that was my crapy day. Outie.