Sunday, May 23, 2004

Sunday, bloody Sunday

THis morning i was rudely awoken by my parents telling me that i had fifteen minuettes to get ready for church. i'm not a morning person so, 15 minuettes to get ready is not a lot of time. ANyway, i got ready to go and went to church. It was pretty unboreing which was good. It went by fast.

After church we went and got some doughnuts, and hung out with our friends from church, it was fun. Ryan got a new sub for his car. The sub was nice but the box it came in was a piece of shit. So they built a new one, and they tell me it sounds a lot better.

After that i went home and watched a few hours of shows that i had recorded... i love PVR's. And started working on the masking tape on Wes' PS2. it is going to be a lot harder than i had anticipated. But i'll be able to do it. At about 3:40 i went to work :(

Work was good. i was the closing cashier, or one of 2 actually. There are always 2 closing cashiers on Sun. since we're only open until 9. It was wicked busy. I couln't believe it. It usually isn't that busy on sunday.

Around 7 or 8 the sky started to get really dark. It looked like it was going to down pour! While i was at work it did no more than sprinkle. But when i left it started coming down pretty heavy. i was worried becuase i had left part of the cover of the playstation outside to dry. Fortunaly someone, i think my dad was smart, and nice enough tobring it in for me. Thanks

Thats all for now. Outie.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Finally some rest

Today is saturday.

Today i was very happy when i work up. I realized it was saturday,a dn better yet, i didn't have to work until 3:30. Sweet. So i decided to just lie around and surf the interweb. it was so great. I haven't Just sat around and done nothing in such a long time. It felt great.

Anyway around 3:10 i left for work. Work was good it wend by wicked fast and Peter let me out at 8:30 so i could go work on a show.

After work, as i said. i went to a show at the high school. it was an oldies night that the police association put on as a fundraiser. it was amazingly good. It sounded good too. Even though they had wicked old sound equipment. i was impressed. me and my crew, adam and wes. Did the lighting.. if you could caal it that. We basically just went there. Set up the board. Re-hung and re-fucused a few lights, and turned them on. The show pretty much ran itself. it was awsum. At the end of the first show i decided that there wasn't enough, or really any light, for that matter, on the drummers. So i did at quick between-show re-wire, re-hang, re-focus. it was fun i love doing stuff like that. Under the gun stuff, riding by the seat of your pants lol.

After the show i was about to leave when i noticed that my friend Aaron's truck was over in front of the SCA, being as late as it was i wanted to see what he was upto. So, i went over there. It turned out that him and some friends of his had stopped to get pizza, but the pizza shop was closing so they took there pizza to SCA. They offered me a piece, and of corse i accepted. It was very good. They didn't have anything to drink though.... they forgot it. But hay, can't complain about free pizza.

Well thats all for now. Outie.

Friday, May 21, 2004

Today for you, Tomorrow for me.

Today...SUCKED, basically

We started with MCAS again, only this time, as i said it would be, was much harder that the first Math section. It sucked royally. The only good part was that i finished early and was ble to go to second block. Which i like because it is Visual Basic

Of corsed i was having a crappy day already, and then visual basic sucjed too. I usualy like that class and Mr. Jyringi, but he can be a real dickhead. Just because i don't have my ch. 6 exercises done yet, dosen't mean he has the right to make a big scene about it in front of the class. it's supposed to be a class where you work at your on pace. I know what i need to get done, and i will get it done. My computere at home isn't really working right now, and because he's been moving so fast in class i havent had time to get it done. SO FUCK YOU.

Theatre Arts was good..again, can u believe it, three days in a row. All i did was sit there and play on the computer though. The teacher kept bugging me about not doing my work. he's like c'mon kyle these are due tues. And i really dont care becasue thats plenty of time to finish two drawings and write a discription.

English sucked as usual. She gave us this really hard worksheet to do on "Tameing of the Shrew" which put me in an even worse mood. because, even though i had read the chapter, i couln't answer any of the questions, which makes me really fristrated. i just can't understand this stuff for some reason, It's just not me. Y and incase schools havent noticed, Sharspear wrote plays, not books. great plays, works of art, But not crappy uncomprendable books.

(REWIND) The other had some kids rode there tractors to school, kind fo as a senior prank. The administration got really mad and called the cops. Unfortunately for them, there was nothign they could do about it because they were street legal. TAKE THAT YOU UPTITE BASTARDS. It was very funny

(Back to Now) So today in english we found a picture of three little kids riding "Little tikes"(R) tractors. So, what were going to do is take the pictures of the Principal, Vice Principal, and Super Intedants picture, and put them on the odies of the kids rideing the trators. Then some people. I don't know who, are going to go around and put the picture as the desktops on all the computers in the school. it will be great. They will probablyy be super pissed, which is exactly why i will have no part in the distrobution of these pictures.

At the end of 4th block i got called down to the office. The stupid janitors had found my bag in the auditorium(which is where i keep it) nad threatened to throw it out if i didn't take it. So, i did, and put it in my teachers closed (with her premission lol) take that you stupid janitors.

i didn't have to work until 4 today, which was a nice change. i got to come home and whatch some tv which was nice. Then i went to work.

Work was good until the bitch got there. ginny, she is one of my supervisors. Thank god she is leaving. She was such a bitch today though. You couldint even look at her withough her biteing your head off. I mean i can understand it's her last day and she mas be a little edgy because she wants go get out of there. But that is no exuse for her behavior.

One of the baggers went to check the tag for a sale ( a new bagger) and she came back and said the price in the computer was wrong. So Ginny had to come that whole ten feet over to the register to type in some numbers, o the horror. Then she went to check if the tag was right. Which it wasnt. It was post dated, the dairy people had forgotten to take it down. But the bagger didn't know this. So ginny bitched at her about it... which was totaly uncalled for.

Then when i went to go ask if i could go on my break. She gave me this evil glare. and ignored me for a minute. i was thinking to myself 'go ahead and ignore me, i'm standing here until i get an answer.' So, then she finaly answered me nad said i could go, but after she said i could go she said 'if your late i'll kill you' I wanted to furn around and be like "You know what FUCK YOU, have i ever been late coming back from a break? Ever been late coming in? No never, not once. So Shut the fuck up."

Ya so that was my crapy day. Outie.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Just one of those days

Today was acctually pretty good. We had MCAS, I had work and came home.

Today begain the Math portion of the MCAS my least favorite part. Mostly because i suck at math. But to my surprise it was actually very easy. i think i did alright. But we will see what tomorrow brings. Tomorrow we are allowed to use calculators on the Math section... Which can only mean one thing: It's about ti get a lot harder. Which i am not looking forward to. just about the last thing i want to be doing on a friday is MCAS.

So, if you didn't think our school was stupid enough -
We finished the MCAS 20 min. before the end of block two (today it was block one though because they flipped the schedule). So they have the bright idea that they should send us back to our regular classes since there is a while 20 min. left and most of us are done. It takes about 5 announcements for everyone to realize that my "report to your regularly scheduld classes" mean block 1. Evn though it was block 2. Confused? yes, now you can see the problem.

In history we started watching Kung Pow. Why? Because of chineese people that why. Ya we are studying China right now, and my teacher is kinda wierd.

In theatre arts we worked on out costume designes again. Now, im no artist, but i would have to say that mine aren't turning out half bad. if i feel like it i will upload them when i am done. For all the world to see. Ya, that was fun.

In English we did nothing...Again. We had a quiz at the begining of class which, was supposed to be easy. it wasn't. i got a 67 or something like that. The rest of the time me and Wes just made fun of Ashton like we usualy do. That was fun , but she started getting mad twards the end of class cause i kept saing 'your mom' about every thing. i thought it was funny.. right guys? ...guys? awww damn

After school i didn't have to work right away. So, i went and cashed Wes' pay check for him and got the paint i need to finish moding his PS2. i will definatly upload pics of that when i'm done. It's going to be awsum. I am almost finished i just have to do some work with the red, then clear coat it. Shouldn't take too much longer. A couple of weeks at the most.

After that i went to work, and to my surprise, i found out i was cashiering. YAY! actually i wasn't to accited at first considering yesterday's near disaster. But it went very smoothly. I was happy. It was kinda busy, but not packed. i like it when its like that.

Well i have nothing left to say. Outie

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Wednesday: Hump Day

Today: More MCAS, more school, more work.

Today started like any other MCAS day, which means not good. I actually got to school early today. I had to work right after school, so i got to bring my car. It was much better getting there early, even though there isn't much to do. i like actually getting there before the bell rings. LOL.

MCAS was much better today, it only took one block(about an hour and a half). but what i really mean by that is if took some people a while block. it took me leff than 45 min. Which left plenty of time to play around with the blog. i added a nifty counter which you can see if you scroll all the way to the bottom of the page.

Second block was good. As it always is, because it is Visual basic my favorite class. For most of the begining of the class we worked on our game program which was wicked fun. if you want a copy when it's cone just send me an E-mail and i will send it to you. Then we took notes on sequential files. Don't kno what those are? Click Here

In theatre arts today we worked on some costume designes. Which was remarkable fun. We got a few pieces of paper with blank figures of people on them. We had to design a male and a female from the fast (before 1950's) and a male and female from the future. i got the first part done today, and i'll do the second part tomorrow. If he gives us time to work on them.

English was good. We read the Act III (i think) of 'The Taming of the Shrew' which was pretty good. The rest of the time i hung out with Ashton and Wes...that was fun. We drew on her, as we seem to be pretty acustomed to doing.

After school i had work. Which was good. i got to cashier too which i like a lot. All was well until 10 min. before the end of my shift. i was cashiering and this lady had an unemployment check. Now, most of the time when you put a check through you don't have to worry about giving change. Becuase most of the time the check if for the exact ammount of the order. Not so for payroll and government checks (this one being a government check). So i for got to give her the change. Haveyou ever had one of those moment where you wanted to say something to someone but you just freeze and kind of think about it? Ya. well i had one of those moments here, mostly because i wan't sure if there was any change to give because i had alreay closed my draw. Fortunatly God was watching out for me....

i quickly turned off my light and asked the supervisor to re-print the last reciept becasue i wasn't sure if there was change to be given, but that i was sure that i hadn't given any to her. It takes a minute to re-print a reciept because the pomuter has to re-generate it. well it seemed like it took an eternity.... When the reciept finally finished printing we discovered that i had forgotten to give her $132.27. At this point i said to the supervisor "can u go get her" not the best choice of words i guess, but it did the trick. he ran out after her. Fortunatly she i s a nice lady who puts her carriage back, so it took her longe. The supervisor found her and asked her to come inside so i could give her the change, and i did. She was very thankful and so was i. DISASTER AVERTED

Im not sure if the supervisor was upset or not, or if he's going to let anyone know what had happend. hopefully not. It is a good thing i realized what had happend right a way, becasue had i started another order, we would not have been able to re-print the reciept..and we would have had to count the draw and see if there was too much. That would have pissed the supervisor off just a little. Wow god does really work in mysterious ways. i will definetly be a lot more careful now when hadling

Thats all for now check back tomorrow to see how Part: 1 of the Math section of the MCAS will go. outie

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

My Brush with the MCAS virus

Yes, it is true. Today we atarted the MSAC test. The Dreaded Standardized test that sucks the life out of it's testers, and just makes life suck.

We start the day in homeroom. Things are normal and life is good. We get ready to go to first block, then it hits us. Today starts Hell Week, MCAS, standardized testing at it's finest. OK, OK, so it really isn't that bad, but it does suck alot. They make you sit there for 3+ hours strait, reading the stupides drivel that has ever been printed. And after you finish reading it, you have to answer questions about it.

Imagin the poem Barter(actually apperaing on FORM 48 and other forms on the 2004 MCAS). Then answer short answer style question for me: "Why do you thing the name of the poem is Barter?". Yes, that is exactly the kinds of stupid wuestions they asked us. Acctually that is exactly one of the questions they asked me.

You know the whole MCAS thing is bull anyway, the short answer questions are scored on a 5 point rubrick. You writing something like "I think the name of the poem is barter because they barter in it." Would probably get you at least 2 points.

Would you like to know the worst part about MCAS. We have to pass the English and Math sections to graduate, and they are thinking of making the Science section a requirement from graduation too. What a load of crap. Don't we have enough tests and grades to worry about, without one test determining if you can graduate or not.

Immagine this senario: I am a C+ to B- student i get good grades and work hard for them. The probem is that when i take tests i freeze up, can't think, mind goes blank. So i take the MCAS and fail. Now, of corse they give you more than one go at it. So, i take it 4 more times and fail every time. I am a smart kid, with good grades. but now, because of one test that i failed, i now only get a certificate of attendance, instead of my diploma. And not i have to keep takeing the test over until who knows when, so that i can get my diploma. Does this sound fair to you?

Fortunatly, some colleges have seen the evil that is the MCAS. These colleges have decided to take the certificates of graduation in place of the diplomas. And God bless them for that. These are the real thinkersin our sociey. Not the no brainers that run the D.O.E.

After the MCAS we resumed our normal course of studies. I had theatre arts and it was awsum. We did Andreas play for the final time and, despite some acting defects, i think it went remarkably well. I though that, on such chort notice, the lights turned out fairly well, and Andrea seemed pleased.

In english we didn nothing eccept harass Ashton, which is always fun. It's all in good fun though, she had a good time too.

I didn't get to talk to Angie today, but hopefully i will tomorrow. I get out of work relatively early, so tomrrow should be a good day.

Well that's all for me. outie.

Monday, May 17, 2004

Looks Like Somebody's Got A Case Of The Mondays

Today was just one of those days. Not much new.

The day started off slow. In History we didn't really do anything. Surprised? We worked on our debate projects. Well acctually Wes worked on ours and i worked on the Blogs, Oops.

Afer that i had Adv. Visual basic, Whick Sucked. I had test that i forgot about. And there was a very complicated program that we had to write using Nor...Next loops and variable arrays. Needless to say i didn't do so well on that. I got like a 71 or something. I'm going to take it over though, so it's ok.

Theatre Arts II. came next. That class was remarkably fun. We practiced for and performed Kevin's play, and it went very well. I was impressed. Kevin is an amazing actor/direcor. I think that i did pretty good in that one. We'll see about that when i get my grade though.

After we finished Kevin's play, Andrea started to work on her's. Thank God i'm not in it, but i do have to do the lighting for it since i am the resident techie. Sometime she just dosent know how things are supposed to be done (and thats putting it nicely). She wanted me to go through the script while they performed it and write in lighing cues. That's fine, usualy. What i didn't realize was that all she wanted was basic lighting, and some blackouts. But she expects me to waste my time standing there watching the play, while she blocks it. And write down lighting cues that i could write without even having seen the play at all.

My last class today was English. That class was pretty good acctuall. We really don't get a lot done in that class though. We started the class by reading from our books. The teacher got really mad though because wes was playing cards. She thought that she had told them to put the cards away, even though she didn't. So, she proceded to yell at them and tell them what insabordination is. They basicaly just ignored her and put the cards away. Next we worked on some MCAS prep stuff. kida late though considering that the MCAS is tomorrow and for the rest of the week. THAT'S GOING TO SUCK. 3 hours a day for five days BLAH.

My favorate part of Mondays is when i get home because i know that, unless i decide to do something, i have nothing that i have to do. Monday's are my day off from work you see.

I watched some TV and played on the computer. Then i talked to Angie(my favorite part of the day) she wanted me to come over next weekend, but of corse, i have to work a bad schedule, and it just wouldn't work out. I might be able to on Sunday, but it's not looking good. While i was talking to Angie i got a nasty sliver in my finger. it hurt like a B**ch. I tried stabbing my finger with a pin for a while to try to get it out. That didn't work as well as it usually does. I let angie go and went down stairs to get the multi-toll and it was out in a second. It was good. Then i had something to eat(mmm rice crispies) Acctually i got in a fight with my Rice Crispies today. i distinctly heard "Snap", "Crackle", "Fuck Him" I wasn't shure who said it because i wasn't looking at the bowl at the time. LOL im just kidding, thats George Carlin. O Well Good Night.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Welcome to My Life

Hello. Welcome to the life that is Kyle, thats my real name of coarse, Benji is just a nickname.

Let me introduce myself:

i live in smalltown, USA. Your typical suberb, a bore really. There are a few thousand of us here, about 5 thousand i think. I've come to know this town as home, even thought i haven't lives here so long. I have a few great friends, and a lot of good friends. I attend your typical high school, with your typical teachers, and your typical problems. Now, your probably thinking, 'So, then i guess i really don't need to stay here this is just your usual kid, in your boreing town.' But it's really not. I'm not your typical kid. i'm a computer nerd, i love theatre, espetialy the tech side. i sway from the norm by being a punk. Well, punk at heart, even though i dont always "look punk". i always wear black or bark blue. And even though i'm not exactly the 'lady killer', i do have a beautiful girlfriend named Angie. If your Still interested stick around it will be a ride. As i journey through the last 2 and a quarter years or high school, and document it as i go...Still intersted? cool. Welcome to my life.